Feeling overwhelmed, stuck, or disconnected? You're not alone. At Chotayah, we offer personalized therapy and coaching services to help individuals and couples navigate life's challenges and build healthier, happier connections.

We understand that seeking help can feel daunting. That's why we offer a free consultation where you can speak with a compassionate and experienced member of our team. They'll listen carefully to your concerns and goals and connect you with the therapist or coach who's the best fit for you.

Relationship Coaching

Have you wondered why your relationships seem to operate similar patterns?

Would you like to know how to put your best foot forward in a relationship?

Have you ever wondered what the magic button is that could make your relationship an ideal one?

Of course, you already know that just because you find the right person doesn’t mean you automatically have the best relationship. ​

This is often because of the different experiences people have been through in previous relationships or in life generally – and some of these experiences may not have been as positive. And since a relationship commitment requires serious interpersonal skills, a firm understanding of yourself becomes key.

Through our couple's and relationship coaching, you can gain more confidence in your ability to navigate serious relationships to further your love life, as well as master how to focus on what matters, while making most of the differences. ​

Think about it, what would it be like for you when you realise that you can positively and effectively manage anything that arises in your relationship.

How much peace of mind would you like to have when you realise that your ideal relationship is really possible and not just fantasy! Which means taking this step with us becomes an easy and natural decision for you right now.

“The coaching takes it up a notch to next level. Thank you so much guys, I have no idea how I would have done it without you. You have no idea how you have inspired me on this journey.”“the coaching helped me immensely in my personal life and self-rediscovery journey. I like that is structured and personalised. I really felt understood.”


Everyone has a story, just as we all have things about us that we wish weren’t there. Usually, a lot of what limits us happened in childhood or at some significant point in our lives. It is common knowledge now that a lot of the issues people face in relationship – whether trust issues, obsessive behaviour, possessiveness, insecurities, feelings of inadequacy, controlling behaviours, aggression, victim mindset, and more – the reality is that these things don’t have to be. You probably already know that these issues run deep, and people don’t overcome them just by sheer willpower.

Ready to heal and be free? ...and I may not even know how long you've put up with any of it either! What I know is that we can work together because chances are that you want to take control better isn’t it?

Whether you’re struggling with private, professional, or relationship-based problems, Our team can guide you through a process of acceptance and healing to help you overcome. Which means you can step into life with the confidence that your experiences will be better.

Imagine that feeling of knowing that the things that hold you back now have zero hold on you. Imagine what freedom to be the best version of you feels like. Now imagine how quickly this can happen for you as you tap into this service that you get when you join Chotayah, trusting us with this.

Become free from ANXIETY

Sleep better INSOMNIA


Achieve your goals for WEIGHT LOSS



“I engaged with Ben at a point in my life when I was struggling with leaving a toxic relationship and finding myself again. Our conversations and sessions that followed literally saved me. He took his time to change my orientation and mindset about how I see myself, my relationship with myself and other people.”

“Ben helped me regain my sanity and showed me how to best handle and control my emotions. Ben is the most kind, patient and understanding coach I have met. He helped me boost my self-esteem, manage my emotions and moved my one time chaotic home to a peaceful loving home. The best part of my journey with him is definitely the way I could hear and feel every of his words replaying in my heart as I go through my daily routines. I can’t tell how he did magic without a wand, the self-consciousness/awareness of my general being and how my body works is enormous!”


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